A very well presented 3 bedroom unit located on the first floor and sleeping 5 people in a Queen bed, 2 x singles
Take in the views over Kings Beach and out to sea across the shipping lanes.
The unit is well equipped with an ensuite to the master bedroom, DVD, dishwasher, microwave, stereo, intercom system, security screens throughout and a large balcony.
The complex offers lock up garaging and a lovely inground pool, and is situated approximately 250m from Kings Beach.
**Please note that this property does not have air conditioning however there are ceiling fans are supplied.
Main bedroom - Queen bed
2nd bedroom - 2 x single beds
3rd bedroom - 1 x King single bed
Please note that linen is not provided in this property. You will need to bring your sheets and pillow cases, towels, hand-towels, bath mats, face washers and tea towels. Alternately if you would like to hire the linen, we can arrange this for you. The cost for linen hire for all beds in this property would be $123 p.w., or $51 p.w. for just the main bed (subject to an annual price review by the linen hire company).***
Booking Terms
Prices vary according to the season, and minimum booking nights apply and vary for different seasons.
Lock up garage.
Bedding Configuration
Bedroom 1 with Queen Bed
Bedroom 2 with 2x Single Bed
Bedroom 3 with King Single Bed
- DVD player
- Swimming pool
- Laundry
- Private swimming pool
- Pool table
- Oven
- Microwave
- Dishwasher
- Hair dryer
- Washing machine
- Dryer
- Kitchen
- Balcony